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Saturday, August 23, 2008


I am a writer and a social worker.

I like to help people.

Prof. ( Er.) Alok Kumar ;

Mobile : 09470574983

This is the blog where one can discuss any topic,

My aim is to get people to be noticed.

Your requirement to get best from you,

Online or Offline, is My only Aim.

If you have any thing special in you,
like any skills,

You can join here.

Hope many might be having problems of getting right job at right time.

But we all , will try to get it soon for you.
Women, men can meet on this blog,

To make our life more meaningful. Skilled people, please join here


All Articles are written by our Beloved Alok Sir :
So carefully read, then write back to Alok Sir about your opinions.


" Job Satisfaction " : Prof. Er. Alok Kumar

Job satisfaction often depends on good work skills and human relation competencies. One can understand most factors of a person’s behaviourby observing and listening.

When a person hired has the same behaviour that is required for the job then
He/ she can focus on the job rather than spending energy on adjusting. Some jobs can force one to be something one is not and That can leave little energy for the completion of the job. An example would be a person who is a stickler for quality, follows rules and procedures and is perfect and finishes one task at a time and he / she is now required to be aggressive, gets quick results And needs to take quick decisions. This person could be under stress while completing his tasks And could find it difficult on the job?

The 4 - Behaviours Styles DOMINANT STYLE: “D” Those who share this style focus on getting things done. * See the big picture * Solves problems well * Focuses on results * Likes varied activities * Appreciate being in charge INFLUENCING STYLE: “I” People who get results through other people. * Influence people * Verbalize well * Think positively * Appreciates public recognition * Possess good coaching skills STEADINESS STYLE: “S” They are good team players and tackle work easily. * Tackle work * Enjoy teams * Mediate well * Appreciate loyalty * Value support COMPLIANCE STYLE: “C” They get results by complying with higher standards And tend to be perfectionists. * Appreciate quality * Value accuracy * Enjoy research * Respect high standards Different styles interacting with one another could create problems. It is more important to realize the impact our own style has on someone else. We need to be aware that we have many options while responding. All of us are a combination of all four factors, But we tend to use one or two styles more often. Some organizations use profiling as a methodology to help find persons having the natural style / tendency that matches with the behavioural demands of the job or to help the existing employee and his manager with valuable information To work on strengthening some styles required for the job. Begin by ask yourself, What style/s do you need in your current position??
Beyond Self - Limitation Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar Elephants born in captivity are restrained by a chain That attaches one leg to a metal spike driven into the ground. This prevents them from roaming. They become accustomed to the fact that, As long as the chain and spike are next to them, they are unable to move. As they grow older, their minds become programmed. When they see the spike and chain, They "believe" and accept that they will not be able to move. They become so conditioned that when their owners place a small rope And wooden peg next to them, They make no effort to step away from it, Because they "believe" they are unable to. In truth, their actual power as adults is so great that They could easily pull up a chain and spike of any size. Their programming or "belief," however, Allows this tiny rope and wooden peg to limit their movement. We are all very much like these elephants. We allow the weaknesses, fears and rejection we experienced as children to program us into a life in which We lack power, peace, love and happiness. We become controlled by false childhood assumptions We have made about our ability, strength and self worth. We can move away from these "pegs" of self-limitation, But we must choose to do so.
S- Set you free M - Makes you special I - Increase your face value L - Lift up your spirits E - Erase your all tensions so smile So start your day with smile.
Career is a marathon! Er. Alok Kumar Though the headline says it all and is self-explanatory, the behavior exhibited by many of the young ones who have just started working or are getting into working is markedly different. To many of them, it is a strongly held belief that maddeningly fast growth is a must to stay ahead in the corporate to slow down is to commit professional hara-kiri. That career is a 100 - meter dash and the best strategy hence is to sprint as fast as you can. Even if the end result is there is no energy left to run further after those 100 yards or your lungs have not enough air to grasp after the crossing the non - existent finishing line. The ramifications of this strategy is all around and visible. Switching jobs quickly and often, setting designations and not what you have learnt or honed as skills as the primary criteria for measurement of career success and finally being driven by peer comparison all the time to grow even faster. In fact , when I see some really smart and focused youngster fall into this trap, I do feel bad and one of the things I have started doing to change this is setting aside one session where ever I go as visiting faculty to talk about Career as a marathon and not a 100 meter dash. Why I keep emphasizing the analogy is simple. While both form athletics and are about running the similarities often end there. The strategy and make – up of a marathon runner is very different and their training schedule is significantly different as well. They are focused on endurance, maintaining a steady clip right through the race till the last stretch where you try to run as fast as you can to breast the tape. The longer the marathon the more energy you conserve and the more you try to maintain a consistent pace over a long stretch. Another reason why this is all the more relevant today is that we are sure to work longer years than our forefathers did starting at 21 and going all the way to 60 plus. Let us now look at the 100 meter race runner has only one goal. Start off the blocks as powerfully as one can at the sound of the gun shot and run as fast as you can till the finishing line since even milliseconds count. It is about powerful start, burst of energy and the finishing line. Building on the stretching career spans and the competitive landscape, Which do you think is the most appropriate strategy? Let me bring in one more perspective here In marathon, there is so much you can do. Even if you lag behind at the start there are many opportunities along the way to catch up and make it up. Unfortunately in 100 meter dash there is no such flexibility. Either you are off the blocks quickest or you loose a critical advantage. And how many of us are fine with this relentless and ruthless pressure of having the best start possible. Even if we all believe we do, is it not illogical to expect all of us to have equally powerful starts? Let us face it like athletics and running, Career is to a lot of us about success, winning and the accolades. Fine. But why is it not dawning on us that despite the glamour of 100 meter dash that it is more akin to a long distance marathon. Do think of it. You will thank yourselves in your 40s and 50s. Career should be a well, planned out, systematic and thought
about one rather than like a 100 meter race.
But in my opinion even the analogy of career to a marathon sounds scaring. I'd rather compare my career to a weekend trip - Start from my home early in the morning,
just cruise along the country sides in my bike savoring
all the beauty and experience offered to me and finally reach my destination.
No hurrying. I think its time that we learnt how to behave in public and
then it will sure enough resonate in person as well. It is really sad, that we talk about all this fantastic Indian growth
and we are leaving behind certain basic courtesies,
which I think is a true mark of a person. I think education really pays, and class and culture cant be taught,
it is either in one or not,
since cultivating should be an ongoing effort which continues through out one's lifetime.
Oh, we love those inspirational tales! Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar Since I do the speaker circuit a bit and speak to variety of audiences have been through the
“ trying to make an impact and get as many claps as possible
over the previous and next speaker ” routine. And later bask in the glory (short lived one I must say)
of having people walk up to you ask questions or exchange pleasantries. The more I do it,
the more it seems to me that we love inspirational tales,
talks and books so much that we stop with just loving them.
Let me put it more cricketish. I find that a lot of us are more kicked about saying that drive of Sachin Tendulkar
– oh it is so perfect and awesome man. Just turn around and probe how many turn that inspiration inward , put in the same kind of consistent effort over a long period in their sphere of work without wavering with highs and lows
get to even one hundredth of What a genius like him is capable of. My simple question is,
Is inspiration another fast food or instant gratification thing! A fad that lets you have a high only to carry on with the life as it was. Why, why are we so happy and content about being mere spectators? Look all around with where India is heading and what is happening. Tell me one sector that is not booming. Tell me anymore that you go t be influential and connected to get VC funding for your big, tangible idea. Tell me one company which says employees going the extra mile will not grow here as fast as they can. Tell me one area of life where there is nothing you receive for excelling from hairstyling to Rings to playing professional golf to cooking and what not. As the evolution theory candidly puts it each surviving decade of human species is more competitive and savvier. So we are multiple notches better than our predecessors. What is the issue then? Why are we not having a few million or even a 100 million success stories? Why can’t India become a nation of heroes that we stop searching for that elusive hero or a leader from idiot tubes to forums? Why?
If you find it too much to take, well, there is my new book, very inspirational tale about my own life that succeeded despite all odds…
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decency Pays Off Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar It is something the lack of which is so in the face and increasingly pervasive Leading to a vicious cycle which am sure all of us are affected by. The first about decency is that somewhere along the way a lot of us are learning subtly and not so subtly that being decent and fair has no place in the corporate world And that one cannot succeed taking this route. The change have seen over the past few years is that this perception is now imbibed at the college level itself. Can vouch for this being a visiting faculty across multiple institutes across India. Earlier, the students would be quite affectionate and respect you merely for the fact that you are a teacher. There will be certain innocence about them in the way they interact with you and it was possible to establish a bond with them which was special (an incentive to teach and get involved). Now, often come across students who logically estimate you based on the company you work for, the kind of job opportunities possible at the company, your position in the company, whether you can get them a good project and how much you will be of use to them in their career. Actually, the fact that they are so focused is an advantage and shows their career orientation. But it is the way this is being done in a visible, competitive way that is something that makes me think about. When the placement season approaches the competitiveness and the desire to get the best jobs ahead of peers gets more intense and the seed sown earlier that being fair and decent may not yield dividends branches out more at this time. And once they enter the corporate world, this grows further into a deeply rooted tree of cynicism. It is amazing to see how many students believe corporate world does not play straight and substance alone cannot take them to the heights they desire. They somehow believe and are intuitively told that playing politics and cuddling favor is the best and most effective way. Many trees make a forest and you have thousands who dot the corporate world mindlessly adopting this approach. Resulting in environments which all of us suffer in varying degrees. The organizations also suffer as it has many people inside who focus more on the dynamics of getting ahead and keeping the place than getting the work done or satisfying the customer. This then spills over into the streets when we drive, we go to shopping malls and else. Suffocating us and making us behave differently. Before once knows you are part of the universe and it gets worse and worse. Children observe all this and considering what they see in formative years is deeply embellished in their consciousness it is no wonder that when they grow this will get even worse probably starting even earlier and becoming more intense. The cycle just goes on. I keep saying if one of us decides to step out and be decent like the way this started slowly and steadily it will become a forest and before you know it is the reverse of what is there now. Try it. Probably you will be able to smile at someone in an elevator at a hyper mart or pick up a fallen object and give it to the person who is not realized it or stop your vehicle at the signal when it turns yellow. Try, it might be a different corporate world that we will all inhabit where we can all be ourselves and focus on work.
Can We have both the 4 F’s and 4 P’s ?– A Paradox. Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar After reading Charles Handy ’ s – The search for meaning , I had to share this extract with you. 4 P’s – Productivity, Pay, Performance and Profit 4 F’s – Families, friends, festivals and fun Can we have both the 4 P’s and the 4 Fs? Capitalism and Communism: Capitalism was going to make us rich – But the truth is it has made some of us rich – not all. A Comparison by a young executive in eastern Germany of the former communist system and the new capitalist system, “The Communist system didn’t work, of course it was ruining the economy, ruining the physical environment and ruining lives. But at least we were all paid the same whether we worked hard or not so hard, productively or not so productively. At least we had an awful lot of time left for families and Friends, For festivals and fun – all the four F’s. Now it’s all Productivity, Pay, Performance and Profit - Just sometimes I wish in the midst of the P’s, which are making me richer, there was time left for the 4 F’s which makes me human. We now have a society where some are getting all the P’s with no time for the F’s and some have all the F’s and no P’s to pay for the F’s. That is a strange kind of world. So capitalism also does not seem to be working quite as well as we all thought it would. Is the present mixture of democracy and capitalism/materialism going to save us? Statistics shows that somewhere around 50% of the workforce is effectively outside organizations today – around 30% temporary staff or part timers, 12 to 15 % Self- Employed, 8% or more unemployed. The world is changing. We are on our own now or most of us will be soon. Capitalism destroyed certainty – which is not what it was meant to do. Is that the meaning of life? What is your view? Views can change lives – so do respond.
A Dream Job
Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar A lot of people go through life thinking, "There has to be something better than this." After all, there are plenty of success stories out there, And the media talks about famous people in fantastic jobs you wished you had. Is it all a myth? Is there truth behind the tales? Take a look at these questions many people ask, And see if the answers don't surprise you. Are dream jobs real? They sure are! Everyone has a job that is going to give them fulfillment and happiness. Dream jobs are ones that leave you feeling good at the end of the day. You come home with a smile on your face, you're proud of your work, And you even look forward to going to your job every day. A dream job is one that makes you rich, right? We all have Technicolor dreams about a job that leaves us filthy rich And able to buy anything we want. After all, that's why lotteries do so well and Casinos still fill up with hopefuls looking to strike gold. But money doesn't make a dream job. Money makes your living conditions easier, sure, but you're no farther ahead than you were before If you're rich and still hating your job. So just what is a dream job? A dream job is different things to different people, But there are a few qualities different from other jobs. A job that has challenge and room for growth is good. One that maximizes your potential and uses the skills and talents You have is also part of a good job. A job where you feel valued and that your work makes a difference is important as well. Feeling fulfilled and enjoying what you do is part of a dream job too. How do I know what my dream job is? Assessing yourself for the things you like to do and what makes you feel energized is a good way to figure out What your particular dream job is. What are you good at? What would like to do? Did you have any childhood dreams for a specific job that you may still harbor? Take a look at your own values as well. Also, try to imagine a perfect work day - what are you doing and where are you? How do you get a dream job? How you behave every day will have a big impact on whether you continue to plateau or Move forward to a dream job. You will have to find out the steps you need to take to achieve your goals And start making moves forward. Networking and socializing is important. Getting the word out that you'd like to work in a different area helps too. Taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, as well as setting yourself up to receive those opportunities, Will help you achieve your dream job goals. Can anyone achieve his or her dream job? Where there is a will, there is a way. If you sit back and wait for your dream job to fall from the sky into your lap, You will wait a long time. If you set a plan and lay out the steps you need to take to get your dream job, You will work towards it and eventually have a job That you can look forward to going to, every day of your life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Attitudes Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar Our present attitudes are habits, built from the feedback of parents, friends, society and self, That forms our self-image and our world-image. These attitudes are maintained by the inner conversations we constantly have with ourselves, Both consciously and subconsciously. The first step in changing our attitudes is to change our inner conversations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burning Problems Prof. (Er.) Alok Kumar It just happened that i read somewer ,
wat's a MORE DEN A FRIEND relationship???????? JUST BE HONEST AND SAY how many of us donot take our relationship wid our parteners for granted? Most of us do not feel the necessity to take a break and FEEL OUR RELATIONSHIP, that it is not a joke yaar, as the on screen scenes are illusions but the real HERO or THE ACTRESS is our partner! As of now as if it's more prevailing fashion 2 raise such issues, may be on the small screen or on the big screen......well it's a part of their job to make money, not of because to raise such issues, that r neglected on the family front specially, it’s their job What I personally feel is that may be a man or be a woman,
the pain ,the problem is the same.
But one awakes after the scratch on the relationship
turns up to a NAASUR and starts paining, bleeding.
Many times a relation develops gradually, one is just unaware of too,
it sounds odd but it is a fact. And here I’ve seen that normally if it's a case of women's betrayal,it’s discussed more.
Whereas in a man's case, not so much attention is paid...... A MAN'S WORLD?! what I feel is - yeh rishta to kuchh is tarah hona chahiye ki uske pass hone ke AHSAASBHAR se apne aap ko pura mahsus kar sake......... I agree ki Aajkal ki bhag - daud mein fursat hi nahi milti, But woh zindagi hi kya jisko jine ka maza hi chala gaya ho? kabhi kisi apne se pyaar karke to dekhiye, sirf bolne ke liye nahi ki " Oh darling I love u " well , I'll make clear that I’m not at all trying to hurt or dishonour any - bodies feelings..........


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