The Convenor (NBA)
National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
All India Council for Technical Education
NBCC Building, Eastern Tower, 4th Floor
Pragati Vihar, Lodhi Road,New Delhi-110003
Phone No. – 91-011-24369624
TeleFax - 91-011-24369624
NBA – AICTE EPABX Numbers:24369619,20,21,22
What is Accreditation?
Why should institutions go for Accreditation by NBA?
How was the NBA Constituted?
What are the goals of NBA?
What does Accreditation signify?
What is the difference between AICTE approval and NBA Accreditation?
What are the Accreditation Criteria?
What is NBA's Quality Grading Format?
What is the Composition of visiting Accreditation Team?
How is assessment done?
What is not the purpose of Accreditation?
What happens if there is no Accreditation?
What is the process of Accreditation?
What is the composition of National Board Of Accreditation?
Who can apply for Accreditation by NBA?
Which programmes come under Accreditation by NBA?
What is Accreditation ?
Literally Accreditation means
Recognition and gaurantee of minimum quality
For the NBA it means
A process of quality assurance, giving credit where it is due for some clearly visible and demonstrable
strategies of academic activities and objectives of the institutions, known to be honestly pursued and
efficiently achieved by the resources currently available with a potential for continuous improvement in
quality for effective growth.
Why should institutions go for Accreditation by NBA ?
If your institution and your programmes are accredited by NBA, you will
be able to identify your programmes with excellence in technical education.
be assured of conformity to good practices and bench marks of global requirements...
be able to rate your programmes on a national platform to attract better student intake.
be able to appraise yourself of your own facilities, faculty vis-a-vis performance.
be a satisfied vendor of human capital to world-class employesr and other stake holders.
How was the NBA Constituted ?
National Board of Accreditation (NBA) was constituted by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), as an
Autonomous Body, under Section 10(u) of the AICTE Act,1987
"To periodically conduct evaluation of technical Institutions or Programmes on the basis of guidelines,
Norms and Standards specified by it and to make recommendations to it, AICTE or to the Council, or to the Commission or to the other bodies, regarding recognition or de-recognition of the institution or
What are the goals of NBA ?
To develop a Quality Conscious system of Technical Education where excellence, relevance to market needs and
participation by all stake holders are prime the major determinants. NBA is dedicated to building a technical education
system, as vendors of human resources, that will match the national goals of growth by competence, contributions to
economy through competitiveness and compatibility to societal development. NBA will provide the Quality bench marks
targeted at Global and National Stockpile of human capital in all fields of technical education.
What does Accreditation signify ?
Accreditation signifies different things to different stake holders
for the parents, it signifies tha their child goes through a teaching-learning environment as per accepted good
for the students, it signifies that he has entered the portals of an institutions, which has the essential and
desirable features of Quality Professional Education.
for the employers, it signifies that the students passing out has competence based on well grounded technical
for AICTE , it signifies that the institutional performance is based assessment through a competent body of
Quality assessors, with of Strengths & Weaknesses emanating as a feedback for policy-making.
for the institution, it signifies its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for future growth.
for the industry and infrastructure providers it signifies, identification of quality of institutional capabilities and
Skills & Knowledge.
for the country, it signifies confidence in the Suitability for sustaining stockpiles of market sensitive human
capital and a pragmatic national development perspective.
for the alumni, it signifies attachment through the pride of passing out with credentials.
What is the difference between AICTE approval and NBA Accreditation ?
Approval of AICTE for new Institutions or for starting new programmes is based on
Credibility of Institutional Management and the Programme providers.
Assurance of Compliance to AICTE Norms and Standards.
Prior approval by the State Government and University or other competent authority.
Market sensitivity of programme output, to avoid imbalance in supply of qualified manpower.
Accreditation of the Institutional Programmes by NBA is based
Availability of potential for sustaining and improving upon assessment criteria
Recognition by all stake holders like the end-users, institutional products and the community at large
Demonstrated capability of the institution and programme to adhere to the qualitative criteria of Accreditation
Assessement by peer groups of NBA experts through a visit to the institution and making relevant
recommendations to the NBA.
What are the Accreditation Criteria ?
The visiting Team assesses the following criteria and the weightages listed below:
For undergraduate programmes:
Human Resouce Faculty 200
Students 100
Finance & Physical Resource 100
Mission, Goals 100
Research & Development 30
Industry Institute Interaction 70
Supplementary Process 50
Teaching Learning Processes 350
For postgraduate programmes:
Human Resouce Faculty 200
Students 100
Finance & Physical Resource 80
Mission, Goals 70
Research & Development 150
Industry Institute Interaction 100
Supplementary Process 50
Teaching Learning Processes 250
The visiting team also assesses parameters, which are not obvious from quantitative data or statistics supplied viz.,
Academic ambience and Institutional morale.
Level & relevance of facilities and student work.
Capability of staff, their knowledge / practices.
Review of student assessment in theory, practical, design and project work.
Comprehension by management, Staff and Students of the issues, problems vide the goals.
What is NBA's Quality Grading Format ?
NBA has revised the grading to a two-part grading system i.e. Accredited and Not accredited. Those programmes which score more than 650 marks will be considered as Accredited whereas those who score less than 650 will be Not Accredited. In order to differentiate between the institutions getting more than 650 marks, the institutions which score between 650-750 will be Accredited for a period of 3 years, whereas those institutions which score more than 750 will be Accredited for a period of 5 years.
The tabulation is given below :
Period of Validity
3 years
5 years
<650> Applied Arts and Crafts
The objective of the Programme is to bring in systemic transformation of the technical education sector into a dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious, efficient and forward looking system, responsive to rapid economic and technological changes occurring both at national and international level.
Under the programme it is envisaged that well performing engineering institutions will be developed into Excellent Institutions of world class standard ( Lead Institutions). Each Lead institution will network with 4 to 6 engineering institutions ( Network Institutions), located preferably in the neighbourhood. There are two components of the Programme. Component I - Institutional Development ((i) promoting academic excellence (ii) networking (iii) providing service to community and economy) and Component – II System management capacity development.
As part of the First Stage of the Progeamme the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh are included.
One of the essential eligibility criteria for selection of the institution under the Programme is that the intending institution should have applied for accreditation to NBA. If the institution already doesn’t have the accreditation, it should immediately apply for the same. National Board of Accreditation (NBA) of the AICTE has created a fast track in order to facilitate the accreditation process of such institutions
NBA shall closely monitor the progress of accreditation and ensure that the process is completed in at the maximum 3 months. The interested applicant institution(s) are requested to fill up the details in the summary sheet given below for qualitative and quantitative assessment of various parameters used in the accreditation process
The institutions already accredited by NBA need not only apply again.
The institute must adhere to the following instructions for submission of proposal for accreditation under TEQIP programmeApplications are invited from AICTE approved Engineering College and Polytechnics only from the state of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh under TEQIP for accreditation.
Programme approved by AICTE which have graduated atleast two batches of students are eligible to apply for accreditation
The institute seeking accreditation should apply only in the specified format of the TEQIP Summary Sheet. This can be downloaded from NBA website or may be obtained from AICTE, New Delhi.
The institute applying for accreditation must submit the application under TEQIP alongwith the prescribed fee, addressed to:
The member Secretary
National Board of Accreditation (NBA), AICTE
Indira Gandhi Sports Complex
I.P. Estate, New Delhi 110002
The complete application on the prescribed TEQIP from must be accompanied by a crossed demand draft as Accreditation fee payable to "AICTE A/c NBA" at New Delhi. The fee structure is given below :
(1) For single programme Institutions and Institutes which are seeking accreditation upto two programmes is Rs, 1,00,000/-. Thereafter Rs. 50000 for each additional programme applied
Other relevant details for filling the TEQIP format are available in the 'NBA MANUAL 2000' and thye same may be sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 555/- drawn in Favour of "AICTE A/c NBA at New Delhi"
Summary Sheet
Engineering & Technology (Degree Programme)
2.1 Design-Oriented Teaching
2.2 Exposure to practical field
2.3 Emerging Technologies
2.4 Management Education and Professional Communication Skills
5.1 General
5.2 Basic Science
5.3 Engineering Sciences and Technical Arts
5.4 Professional Subjects
8.1 Faculty Cadre
8.2 Faculty Structure
8.3 Cadre distribution-flexibility
8.4 Student Teacher ratio
8.5 Training and Placement of students
8.6 Training and Leave Reserve
8.7 Selection and Recruitment of the Teaching staff
8.8 Qualification, Experience and Scales of Pay
8.9 Performance Appraisal
8.10 Training and Development
8.11 Technical and other Staff
8.11.1 Library Staff
8.11.2 Physical Education Staff
8.12 Administrative Staff and Non-Teaching Staff in the Institute
8.12.1 Laboratory Staff
8.12.2 Computer Centre
8.12.3 Department Staff
8.13 Visiting Faculty and Guest Lecturers
12.1 General
12.2 Classification of Building Area
12.3 Building space for Instruction Area
12.3.1 Number of Rooms for Theory classes
12.3.2 Number of Rooms for Tutorial work
12.3.3 Number of Drawing Halls
12.3.4 Rooms Size for theory classes, tutorial work and drawing halls
12.3.5 Laboratories
12.3.6 Workshops
12.3.7 Teaching Aids
12.3.8 Other space in the Department
12.3.9 Central Library
12.4 Building space for Administrative Offices
12.5 Building space for Amenities
12.5.1 Students Activity Centre
12.5.2 Open Air Theatre
12.5.3 Toilet Blocks
12.5.4 Cycle and Scooter Stand
12.5.5 Play Fields
12.5.6 Other Amenities
12.6 Building space for Residential Area
12.6.1 Hostels
12.6.2 Staff Residential Area
12.6.3 Teacher's Hostel
12.6.4 Guest Hostel
12.7 Furniture
12.8 Land
Members of the University Grants Commission & it's Kolkatta Office
UGC : Eastern Regional Office
LB- 8, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 098 (West Bengal)
Dr. Miss Ratnabali Banerjee
Joint Secretary
Tel: +91- 033- 23354767/23350586 (O)
Fax: +91- 033- 32354768
Sh. Nimai Chandra Sadhukhan
Accounts Officer (ERO)
Tel: +91- 033- 23350586 (O)
Members of the University Grants Commission
Commisson Members
Date of Term expiring appointment on
Prof. S.K.Thorat
Chairman - University Grants Commission
Tel: 011- 23239628,23221313 Fax: 011-:23231797
6-02-2006(for a period of 5 years)
Prof. Mool Chand Sharma
Vice-Chairperson- University Grants Commission
Tel: 23234019,23236350 Fax: 23239659
22-06-2006 for3 years or Age of 65 years which ever is earlier (as Vice-Chairperson)
Shri R P Agarwal
Secretary- Ministry of Human Resourse Development
( Department of Secondary Education ) New Delhi- 110001
Tel: 23386451 Fax: 23385807
Mrs.Rita Menon
Special Secretary (Expenditure)
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance
North Block,New Delhi -110001
Prof. B.H. Briz-Kishore
Chairman - National Council of Rural Institutes
Shankar Bhawan,Fateh Maidan Road ,Hyderabad-500004
Ph : 040 -23212
E-mail :
12-06-2003 11-06-2006
Dr. Shivajirao Shripatrao Kadam
Vice Chancellor- Bharati Vidhyapeeth University
Lal Bhadhur Shastri Marg, Pune - 411 030
Tel: 020-25448676 Mob: 09822008485
1-06-2008 31-05-2011
Prof K.Ramamurthy Naidu
Former Secretary,APSCHE
Flat No. G-5,Mountview Apartments,Door No.- 8 3-269/3/5 & 11
Road No.2 Banjara Hils Hyderabad-500034
Tel: 040-23747727
20-10-2005 19-10-2008
Prof. Sureshwar Sharma
Former Vice -Chancellor
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya
Tel: 0761-2427452, 2423545
Fax: 0761-2317776
12-06-2003 11-06-2006
Dr. P.N.Tandon
Ex Professor AIIMS,
President-NBRC Society,
National Brain Research Centre,Near NGG Campus
Nainwal More, Manesar,Gurgaon - 122 050
Tel: 0124 - 2338929
E-mail :
12-06-2003 11-06-2006
Dr (Mrs) Shashi Rai
E-1/180, Arera Colony,Bhopal-462 016
Tel: 0755 2463611 Mob: 09329295522
08-02-2006 07-02-2009
Prof (Dr) Xavier Alphonse,
30 Veera Samy Street, Egmore, Chennai-600008
Tel: 044-28192874, 28191206 Fax: 044-28192696
Mob: 09444040874
08-02-2006 07-02-2009
Prof. (Dr) Jalees Ahmed Khan Tareen
Vice-Chancellor-Pondicherry Central University
Puducherry-605014(Former Vice Chancellor,Kashmir University and CEO South Asia Foundation)
Tel: 0413-26556454 Mob: 09442234506
23-06-2006 22-06-2009
Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar
Joint Director-SymbiosisSenapati Bapat RoadPune - 411004,Maharashtra
Tel: 020-25651507 Mob: 09822847472
23-06-2006 22-06-2009
Prof. D. S. Chauhan
Vice-Chancellor-Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat,P.O. Dumeharbani Tehsil: Kandaghat Distt: Solan 173215 Himanchal Pradesh
Tel: 01792-257999(office) Ext:2020 Fax: 01792-245362 Mobile:09816081801
23-06-2006 22-06-2009
Prof Achyutananda Samanta
Professor in Chemistry
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
P.O. - K.I.I.T., Bhubhaneswar, Orissa-751024
Ph. 0764-2740326, Mobile : 094370009287
11-02-2008 10-02-2011
Prof.R.A.Yadav(Special Invitee)
Chairman All India Council of Technical Education,
7thFloor,Chanderlok Building,Janpath,New Delhi-110001
Ph. 23724195/97 Fax:23724183
11-02-2008 10-02-2011 -->
Permanent Invitee
Prof. Damodar Acharya
ChairmanAll India Council for Technical Education
Indira Gandhi Sports Complex
Indraprastha EstateNew Delhi-110 002
Ph. 011-23392553, 23392560
On the AICTE's viewpoint on foreign educational institutions setting up shop in India
AICTE has gazetted a notification for the entry of foreign institutions in India. We have a 'standing committee', which stays in touch with different embassies on this issue. We have a very transparent system of guidelines and regulations for the entry of foreign institutions. We say that the degree these foreign institutions offer in India must be of the same nomenclature, duration, content, entry conditions and qualifications as offered by their Indian counterparts.
On AICTE's jurisdiction and control over deemed universities, as of today
AICTE's role is to ensure minimum norms and standards before a technical institution comes into existence. Our conditions have to be fulfilled by all technical institutions in accordance with the rules. There has been a court judgment, according to which, some of the universities and the deemed universities are no longer under the control of AICTE, but this is because of the manner in which the Act has been framed. An amendment is in the offing, which will again put them back under our control.
On AICTE's application for membership to the 'Washington Accord' and 'International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education'
We have applied for it and in October, teams are visiting us to examine our accreditation processes. This, however will come about after a few years only.
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